Java Othello
Java Othello is a Client/Server Othello game environment in Java language. There is no manual, but on the internet are enough sites with basic to expert level information. I didn't test the network facilities nor the server options.

System requirements
  • Minimum JRE version is 1.6

Java Othello on an eComStation machine with Open JDK

Installing Java Othello
Download the file Create a folder(directory) "jothello" or something similar which fits your needs. Open the zip file, you see the directory "jothello-r1_bin", go into this directory and copy the two files to the new created folder(directory). That's all! Of course you can copy the directory "jothello-r1_bin" direct to your harddisk, but its a bit too long name for me.

The used jothello.cmd file
Java Othello works with Open JDK in OS/2-eCS. I have made a "jothello.cmd" file with the following contents;
@echo off
set BEGINLIBPATH=[drive: java]\JAVA160ga5\bin
set path=[drive: java]\JAVA160ga5\bin
[drive: jothello]
cd [drive: jothello]\jothello
java -Duser.home=[drive: jothello]\jothello -jar jothello.jar 2>jothellobugs.txt
I use 2 separate folders (directories), one for Java and one for Java Othello with the files created by this program. The references used in the cmd file;

  • [drive: java] = drive with Java
  • [drive: jothello] = drive with Java Othello

should be replaced by real drive letters. Adjust the file from the distribution below, ie. different drive and directories. Save "jothello.cmd" and copy it to the "jothello" folder (directory).

Create a new program object. Specify the path and file name: "[drive: jothello]\jothello\jothello.cmd". In the tabpage Session check the boxes "OS/2 window", "Running as an icon" and "Close Window to end program". In the tabpage General you can enter the name "Java Othello". The download also has an OS/2 icon.

Parameters / options explained
  • The specification "-Duser.home=[drive: jothello]\jothello" will ensure that Java Othello will save all necessary files in own directory instead of saving them in the home directory.
  • The addition "2>jothellobugs.txt" ensures that errors are saved in the file "jothellobugs.txt". The 2 in "2>" is not a typo!

In the file you can find the above command file (all drive letters are on set to C:) and an OS/2 Java Othello icon:

revision August 21, 2016