Java programs in the test phase
The rise of Java programs suitable for open JDK and so Java for eComStation is faster than I can test and process to instructions for running programs. Below a list of programs that are in test phase to find out whether it will work(main functions) with Java version 1.6ga5(last version) or with Java versie 1.4.2_05 (InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java).
The following programs are in test phase:
- = updated August, 2020
- = testing in progress
- = is being worked on
- = waiting
- JOE, outliner, installed. Made commandfile and did some tests. Busy with translating to Dutch.
- GTD-Free, installed, works, is a personal TODO/action manager. Busy with translating to Dutch.
Jacksum-1.7.0, downloaded the program, installed, commandfile ready. So far no progress, needs more testing.
JBook, installed, works. But have to find out more how to update the database.
JDiskCat, installed, works, it does the job. Program could be presented, but I want to show a little more with the data.
- Gryphon, accounting program, solved a problem in using our latest version of OpenJDK, unfortunately there is not a menu option for importing data. Have to setup new administration. Before taking any actions, is it still maintained? Answer no. Fuhrtermore it is developed for the Dutch market, there is an English properties file. With accounting software it is important that you can go somewhere with a problem or a new request. The accounting business and regulations are not frozen and in time laws do change, new regulations to comply with and so on. Therefore I think its wise not to set this package, which does work, on my website. The source of the program is included.
- Jmoney, downloaded, installed, works, problem here is to get data in an usable format.
- PLcash, downloaded, installed, works, problem here is to get data in an usable format.
Biege, adventure game, installed, works. But have to find out more.
Blackjack, installed, works, Looks very good.
BeaGTex, installed, works, is a modern Texteditor for LaTex-Documents.
- CellarBoss, installed, works, is a simple, stand-alone wine cellar database program.
CleanSheets, installed, works, is the first spreadsheet application that is both extensible and platform-independent.
- FileChecksum, installed, works, is a Java 1.4 application to compute common checksums for files: CRC32, MD5, and SHA1.
- Freerails2, installed, works, is a real time multi player strategy game where players compete to build the most powerful railroad empire. For now I don't know how to play it, there is no manual.
Getfour, installed, works.
GTD-Free, installed, works, is a personal TODO/action manager.
Infocard Organizer, installed, works, is a Java application/outliner that enables easy editing of infocards (InfoML).
java-screen-recorder, installed, provides platform independent screen capture and playback, producing high quality screen recordings using an internal lossless compression algorithm. Have to test it and see how it works.
Javoids, installed, works, some space shooting game, but very unclear how it works.
Jbookshelf, installed, works, need more testing.
- JDBC Driver for mSQL, downloaded, have to find out how and what, so very pre.
- Jdip, installed, works, but don't know how to play the game.
- JFormulaeditor, installed, works, it is a cross-platform LaTeX editor in Java.
- JKaroshi, installed, works, but puzzled about the game.
- JPen, installed, works, is a library for accessing pen/digitizer tablets and pointing devices.
- jPDFmelange, a tool to modify existing PDF documents in a simple and user-friendly way.
JPDF Tools, is a GUI java program built on the JPDF Export library. Its main aim is to create pdf files by inserting texts, images or tables.
jPDF Tweak, a Swiss Army Knife GUI application for PDF documents.
jTarot, installed, works, Looks good.
- Jubler, installed, works, is a tool to edit text-based subtitles.
- Knotwork, installed, works, is a graphical application to create knotworks in a celtic, arabic or viking style.
Ladder brings us back to the days of classic computer games.
Makagiga, kind of PIM
- MultiText Editor, installed, works, is the program for text editing.
- OpenStego, downloaded, have to install it.
ProjectLibre, installed, works, is project management software, the leading alternative to Microsoft Project.
- Rails, installed, works, is a program that lets you play the 18xx series of board games. I have no idea how to play, no manual.
Rubik's Cube Simulator, installed, works, during typing found out how it works, looks very good, but need more testing.
RR Diagram, installed, have to find out how to start the program.
Saper, installed, works, its a mine game.
- ScanCleaner, installed, works, but needs further testing.
Sharp Tools, geïnstalleerd, a spreadsheet that has all the basic functionality as a spreadsheet.
- Shoppingmanager, installed, works, but it seems have difficulty with our JDK, responding to keys or mice isn't what's expected, needs more testing.
- Soldama, installed, works, need to find out how it works.
- Source2PDF, the Source2PDF tool is a small application which converts a directory full of source code into a single PDF file.
Spice Trade, is an artistic simulation, you never believe this, one jar file, size 190.292K, installed and it works! Needless to say that I have to find out much more.
Sunflow, downloaded, have to install it.
JuboxPlayer, downloaded, have to install it.
- W6, real time strategy game,
installed, works. But have to find out more how to play and so on.
- Zipdiff, from a visitor on my site I got this program, it works, it's a command line program and needs more testing.
revision August 7, 2020