SportsTracker is an application for tracking sporting activities for all sport types (e.g. cycling, running, swimming or tennis). The main advantage is a good overview of your exercises, you can easily create diagrams and statistics for specific date ranges and sport types. In the calendar you can also track your body weight or create note entries, e.g. the training plan or upcoming sport events. All the application data is stored in XML files. So it is very easy to access them with other tools or to write importers and exporters for other applications. If you are using a heartrate monitor with a computer interface you can display the recorded exercise files and evaluate the diagrams with the integrated ExerciseViewer application. You can organize them by attaching the recorded files to the exercise entries. When adding new exercises you can import the data from the recorded exercise files. ExerciseViewer supports Polar, CicloSport, Garmin, Timex, Suunto, Oregon, HOLUX and Kalenji heartrate monitors.

System requirements
  • Minimum Java version 1.6ga5

SportsTracker on an eComStation machine with Open JDK

Installing SportsTracker
Download Create a directory (folder) "SportsTracker". Open the zip file and go in the subdirectory (folder) "SportsTracker-5.3.0-bin". Copy all files and subdirectories to the new created directory (folder) "SportsTracker". Next version (SportsTracker 5.4.0) needs Java 1.7 and latest version (SportsTracker 7.3.0) needs Java 1.8.

The sportstracker.cmd file
SportsTracker works with Open JDK in OS/2-eCS. I have made a sportstracker.cmd file with the following contents;
@echo off
set path=[drive: java]\JAVA160ga5\bin
set BEGINLIBPATH=[drive: java]\JAVA160ga5\bin
[drive: sportstracker]
cd [drive: sportstracker]\SportsTracker
java -Duser.home=[drive: sportstracker]\SportsTracker -jar sportstracker-5.3.0.jar 2>sportstracker-bugs.txt
I use 2 separate folders (directories), one for Java and one for SportsTracker with the files created by this program. The references used in the cmd file;

  • [drive: java] = drive with Java
  • [drive: sportstracker] = drive with SportsTracker

should be replaced with real drive letters. Edit and save the file "sportstracker.cmd" from the distribution. This file is copied to the "SportsTracker" directory (folder). Furthermore, different paths?, adjust according to your needs.
Create a new program object. Specify the path and file name: "[drive: sportstracker]\SportsTracker\sportstracker.cmd". In the tabpage Session check the boxes "OS/2 window", "Running as an icon" and "Close Window to end program". In the tabpage General you can enter the name "SportsTracker". You find enclosed in the file a suitable OS/2 icon.

Parameters / options explained
  • The specification "-Duser.home=[drive: sportstracker]\SportsTracker" ensures that SportsTracker will save all necessary files in own directory instead of saving them in the home directory.
  • The addition "2>sportstracker-bugs.txt" ensures that errors are saved in the file "sportstracker-bugs.txt". The 2 in "2>" is not a typo! Unfortunately there is a bug, so the file doesn't stay empty.

In the file you can find the above command file (all driveletters are set to C:) and OS/2 SportsTracker icon:

revision November 7, 2016