What is Fx702p?
A fully-featured Casio Fx702p emulator including the calculator mode, a full basic implementation and a original debugger as well as some sample programs.

System requirements
  • Minimum JRE version is 1.6

Fx702p emulator on an eComStation machine with Open JDK

Installing Fx702p emulator
Download Fx702p_Windows_noJre.zip or Fx702p_Linux.tgz. Make a directory/map with the name "Fx702p". Open the zip or the tgz file. Make in the directory two subdirectories (maps) "lib" and "samples". Copy the file "fx702p.jar" from the packed directory "lib" to the directory "Fx702p". Depending what you did download, copy the file "Fx702pNoExe.bat" or "Fx702p.sh" to the directory "Fx702p". Copy also the file "Fx702p_Emulator_Manual.pdf" to the directory "Fx702p". Copy the file "javacc.jar" from the packed directory "lib" to the directory "Fx702p\lib". Copy the samples same way. You don't need all the other files.
What you do need is a manual, this is not an easy calculator. Download the manual FX-702P manual.

The used cmd file
The Fx702p emulator works well with Open JDK in OS/2-eCS. I have a fx702p.cmd file with the following contents;
@echo off
set BEGINLIBPATH=[drive: java]\JAVA160ga5\bin
set path=[drive: java]\JAVA160ga5\bin
[drive: Fx702p]
cd [drive: Fx702p]\Fx702p
java -Duser.home=[drive: Fx702p]\Fx702p -classpath [drive: Fx702p]\Fx702p\lib\javacc.jar
-jar Fx702p.jar 2>Fx702p-bugs.txt 
The last two lines are actual one line, but I had to break it up in parts. There is a space between "-jar" and "[drive: Fx702p]\Fx702p\lib\javacc.jar". I use 2 separate folders (directories), one for Java and one for Fx702p emulator with the files created by this program. The references used in the cmd file;

  • [drive: java] = drive with Java
  • [drive: Fx702p] = drive with Fx702p emulator

should be replaced with real drive letters. Save the file and name it "Fx702p.cmd" or use the file from the distribution. This file is copied to the "Fx702p" folder (directory). Furthermore, different paths?, adjust according to your needs. Create a new program object. Specify the path and file name: "[drive: Fx702p]\Fx702p\Fx702p.cmd". In the tabpage Session check the boxes "OS/2 window", "Running as an icon" and "Close Window to end program". In the tabpage General you can enter the name "Fx702p".

Parameters / options explained
  • The statement "-Duser.home=[drive: Fx702p]\Fx702p" will ensure that Fx702p emulator will save all necessary files in own directory instead of saving them in the home directory.
  • The statement "-classpath [drive: Fx702p]\Fx702p\lib\javacc.jar" comes from the sh file. I did run it without "-classpath" and copied the file "javacc.jar" in the [drive: Fx702p]\Fx702p directory instead of the lib directory. It works, but I didn't test the emulator to the limits, so may be somewhere you get an error.
  • The addition "2>Fx702p-bugs.txt" ensures that errors are saved in the file "Fx702p-bugs.txt". The 2 in "2>" is not a typo! See this as an option if something does go wrong, the file stays empty on my system!

In the file you can find the above command files (all drive letters are on set to C:) and an OS/2 Fx702p icon: fx702p-ecs.zip.

revision May 29, 2016