What is Infocard Organizer?
Infocard Organizer is a Java application and outliner that enables easy input and editing of infocards (InfoML elements). InfoML is a XML-Schema-based standard for storing and organizing "chunks" of information, especially human thoughts, along with metadata about that information (e.g., tags, source citation data, etc.). It is a robust data format that meets most users' needs but can also be customized to handle domain-specific situations.

Infocard Organizer allows users to export infocards to a variety of text-based formats. Several basic export formats are provided, and experimenters can create their own formats by writing the appropriate XSLT 1.0 or 2.0 transformations. In addition, infocard files can be queried and manipulated by many existing XML-based tools and technologies. For example, once in an XML database, collections of infocards can be queried using XQuery.

System requirements
  • Java version 1.6.0 (tested with version 1.6.0ga5)

Infocard Organizer on an eComStation machine with Open JDK

Installing Infocard Organizer
Download InfocardOrganizer-v1_0.zip (28Mb). The easiest way; open the zip file, open the directory/map "InfocardOrganizer-v1_0" and copy the directory/map "STANDALONE-copy to disk drive FIRST" to the drive of your choice. After that rename the directory/map to "InfocardOrganizer" or something you like. You can delete the file "run.bat". This zipfile is a mix up from an older version, source and compiled source as seperate files. So, forget about it, but it can never harm looking at it. That's about it!

The used cmd file
Infocard Organizer version 1.0 works with Open JDK in OS/2-eCS. I have a InfocardOrganizer.cmd file with the following contents;
@echo off
SET BEGINLIBPATH=[drive: java]\JAVA160ga5\bin
SET path=[drive: java]\JAVA160ga5\bin
[drive: InfocardOrganizer]
cd [drive: InfocardOrganizer]\InfocardOrganizer
java -Duser.home=[drive: InfocardOrganizer]\InfocardOrganizer -jar InfocardOrganizer-v1_0-2010_11_10.jar
The line "java -Duser.home=..." is one line, I had to break it up in two parts just for this page. Mind the space between "InfocardOrganizer-v1_0-2010_11_10.jar" and "2>InfocardOrganizer-bugs.txt". I use 2 separate folders (directories), one for Java and one for Infocard Organizer with the files created by this program. The references used in the cmd file;

  • [drive: java] = drive with Java
  • [drive: InfocardOrganizer] = drive with Infocard Organizer

should be replaced with real drive letters. Save the file and name it "InfocardOrganizer.cmd" or use the file from "infocard organizer-ecs.zip", see below. This file is copied to the "InfocardOrganizer" directory/map. Furthermore, different paths?, adjust according to your needs.
Create a new program object. Specify the path and file name: "[drive: InfocardOrganizer]\InfocardOrganizer\InfocardOrganizer.cmd". In the tabpage Session check the boxes "OS/2 window", "Running as an icon" and "Close Window to end program". In the tabpage General you can enter the name "Infocard Organizer". There is an OS/2 icon in the file "infocard organizer-ecs.zip".

Parameters / options explained
  • The statement "-Duser.home=[drive: InfocardOrganizer]\InfocardOrganizer" will ensure that Infocard Organizer will save all necessary files in own directory instead of saving them in the home directory.
  • The addition "2>InfocardOrganizer-bugs.txt" ensures that errors are saved in the file "InfocardOrganizer-bugs.txt". The 2 in "2>" is not a typo! The file stays empty on my system.

In the file you can find above command file (all drive letters are on set to C:) and an OS/2 Infocard Organizer icon: infocard organizer-ecs.zip.

revision July 15, 2020